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Чемпионат Европы ИКО-4

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Сообщений в теме: 30

#1 *_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 09 ноября 2005 - 10:21

Сегодня на тренировке нам объявили что Чемпионат Европы ИКО-4 пройдет в декабре 2006 года в России.

#2 *_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 16 ноября 2005 - 01:09

пройдет 16-17 декабря 2006 года.
подробнее здесь:

#3 *_Дмитрий С._*

*_Дмитрий С._*
  • Гости

Отправлено 17 ноября 2005 - 08:22


Какой сейчас сайт Тезука груп Раша (Б. Белов)? И-нет адрес?
Помню были проблы? Они сейчас устранены?

СУВ, Дмитрий С.

#4 *_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 20 ноября 2005 - 12:57

по моему. никак.
Я справшивал. ничего внятного насчет сайта.
Но надеюсь на лучшее...

#5 *_Гость_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 03 декабря 2005 - 03:34

шихана Белова избрали(или назначили?)
вице-президентом ЕКО.
у нас на доске объявлений висит письмо от шихана Алайна.

#6 *_старый_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 04 декабря 2005 - 02:29

Европа будет! Это уже ясно. Я уже поднимал тему состава;- Непонятно, как будет формироваться сборная России? По результатам последних турниров?- Но мы пока всего один "закрытый" турнир провели, в Казани. Многих не было. В декабре "Москва" будет, но тоже голопом по европам,- непонятно кто приедет, хотя всех приглашают. Потом Март- в Удмуртии кубок России, и ВСЕ. Потом лето, гулямба, к концу сентября группы войдут в робочий режим, а тут уже и Европа- мать твою! Так вот, я боюсь , что наши бранчи, пользуясь своим правом (во всяком случае так раньше в ИКО было), в частном порядке откомандируют своих людей, не советуясь друг с другом, отказавшись от конкуренции в рамках Российской лиги, а это на мой взгляд не есть хорошо. Хотелось бы об этом комментарий от наших лидеров получить:-от Белова, Кокина, Лютоева, Смеркалова и .т. д. Вопрос нужно решать , чем раньше , тем лучше. С УВАЖЕНИЕМ . ОСУ!

#7 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 04 декабря 2005 - 10:17

Так Кокин все-таки в ИКО-4? н же в Будокане (там его же в шиханы посвятили) и активно якшается с Косоротовым. Фигаро везде.

#8 *_starkan_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 12:55

Михаил кокин в настоящий момент является техническим директором Российской Лиги каратэ Кекусинкайкан (ИКО-4), в будокае действительно -шихан, как в прчем и в ИКО. Но на сколько я знаю 5 дан просто дублирован, в другой организации, вот только не вкурсе кто дал ему 5 дан первым,-Тэзука или Блюминг. Но это по большому счету не важно, важно , что и тот и другой Мишино "шиханство" признают. Лишь бы одно другому не мешало. А по поводу его 5 дана?;- Не я давал, не мне и судить, дело это не благодарное, тем более, что лично мне он вполне симпатичен, во всяком случае я к его 5 дану спокойно отношусь. Самое главное, чтобы он сам к нему спокойно относился. Вот как раз Европа и покажет, его состоятельность как шихана.

#9 *_старый_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 01:02

Смотрел Бельгийский сайд этого самого Алэна (президента ЕКО), прошу прощения, может неправильно его имя записал. Но это не важно. Что то там , кроме двух маленьких объявлений про Европу "ТИШИНА". Я думаю "первую" Европу стоит посерььезнее распиарить.

#10 *_Гость_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 10:23

наверное еще рано ,будут пиарить..
только что-то я не видел активного участия москвичей в мероприятиях проводимых ико-4, всегда участвуют 2-3 чел.
так что думаю европу опять будет проводить казань
а что говорили что объявили еще одного бранч-чифа?из москвы?
надо спросить шихана

#11 *_гриша_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 10:48

Детский сад какой-то. Я думал, что ИКО4 и Тезука - это понятный прикол и хохма в Кёкусин, по крайней мере в Японии так, а вы серьёзным это хотите представить.
Какая Европа - 3 клуба и 5 человек?!

#12 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 02:30

гриша-наверное многого не знает.
вот сайт ико-4
там есть страны которые входят в нее.
по моему-совсем даже не детский сад.
а после того как начнут проводить крупные
турниры-организация начнет расти...
не надо быть провидцем

#13 *_Гость_студент_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 02:35

собака лает, ветер носит
а караван идет.
Понятно-что на каком бы уровне этот Чемпионат не прошел,
это знаковое событие для ИКО-4.
Согласен, что это позволит организации расти.

#14 *_Гость_Толстый_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 03:10

К самому Тезуке в Японии относятся со скепсисом и улыбкой.В Японии, где все мастера видны, как на ладони, он не особо популярен.Техники нет, школы нет, бойцов сильных нет,так выезжает на том , что когда-то действительно у Дедушки тренировался, правда был далеко не первым учеником, а сейчас решил стать великим. :)

#15 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 03:28

Тэдзука не занимался у Дедушки.
Просто Ояма решил,что руководить бранчами должны ОБРАЗОВАННЫЕ люди.А Тэдзука был сбоку-припёку,вот Ояма его и назначил.
У Тэдзуки никогда не было своих учеников,да и додзё своего тоже не было.
Он был наёмным менеджером.
Его никто не уважал при Ояме,и уж теперь тем более все презирают.Особенно после скандала с объявлением себя ТРЕНЕРОМ Мацуи на собрании бранч-чифов. :)

#16 *_starkan_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 04:43

Ну ребята, откуда столько желчи?. И в отношении к Тэзуке и в такойже "желтой" информации. Видимо из недружественных организаций. ИКО-4 действительно молодая организация, но по интенсивности развития на сегодня очень актуальная. Тому подтверждение наличие регеональных отделений по всему миру, и это за несколько лет. По поводу детскогосада Гриша, -это мы посмотрим на Европе, кто подъедет. Я ведь молчу про Чемпионат мира в Москве, который по представительству был похож на товарищеский турнир Россия-Япония, на которой все теперь поняли , что Россия в Кекушин "впереди планеты всей", ну там Японцы в ролях младших братьев, а Европа с Азией и Америкой вообще отдыхает, нечего со своим рылом в Наш колашный ряд. А Тэзука действительно был учеником Оямы . От куда другая информация всплыла, непонятно. Действительно он учитель Мацуи, и именно из за этого у них сним личные проблемы пошли, так как последний действительно нехорошо поступил с Тэзукой , во время его болезни, мягко скажем непорядочно. И почемуто этого, "неуважаемого" человека после смерти Оямы поставили руководить Всемирной (действительно Всемирной) организацией , пока Тэзука тяжело не заболел. Вот тут то преданный ученик Мацуи ВТИХОРЯ, оставив в невединии очень многих, объявил себя КАНЧО, а вот ТЭзуке больному, который не сам на это место сел, про свое назначение забыл сказать. Так ., что информация у Вас Гриша,- желтенькая.

#17 *_Гость_student_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 04:57

Действительно, все это имело место быть.
И это-факты. Можно посмотреть хронологию.
А кстати, сколько государств участвует на Европе в других организациях?
Может кто-то подскажет?

#18 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 08:26

Тренером Мацуи был Шихан Като.
Тэдзука не был учеником Оямы.
К моменту смерти Оямы он имел 5 дан и не имел даже региональной судейской лицензии.
don’t mind if people don’t believe me because any Japanese Branch Chief knows the real story about Shihan Tezuka. But if you read this know that I am telling the truth as I remember it and I have no reason or gain from lying. But I am not happy with Shihan Tezuka because he is in a big way responsible for all the political problems Kyokushin now faces.

Shihan Tezuka was always very jealous of Matsui. He always says he was Matsui’s Shihan but he was never. He was always connected to Matsui through the dojo which I think Tezuka owned or something. But as far as being Matsui’s teacher, he was NEVER that. I was talking to Matsui at a Honbu reunion party (when Sosai was still alive) and I asked him if Shihan Tezuka was ever his teacher. Matsui said no, although he did encourage him to train when he was a teenager. Matsui said his only real sensei was Shihan Kato, one of the original Oyama Dojo sempais. But because Shihan Tezuka was the Branch Chief of the ken (prefecture) Matsui was in, he always liked to take the glory of Matsui’s success. It is normal for all the Branch Chiefs to always give credit to strong students from someone’s ken. But Shihan Tezuka always tried to say he actually taught Matsui, which he didn’t. This is one reason why Matsui hated him and why he was so unpopular with the Branch Chiefs.

The day Umeda Sensei read out the will saying Matsui was to be the successor of Sosai, five Branch Chiefs opposed it. These five were Shihans Takagi (the main ringleader), Onodera, Anzai, Hayashi and Tezuka. For whatever reason these five decided to support Mrs Oyama, as Kancho. At first what they were doing seemed good so many started to support them. But before long, it was obvious that they were motivated by desire for power and control. After the verdict of the will came out a year or two later, of course many people went against Matsui, but at the start it was only these five, led by Shihan Takagi. Shihan Takagi was very close to Sosai.

Shihan Tezuka NEVER became a Branch Chief because of his karate. He was one of the Branch Chiefs who Sosai chose because they had an education, not because they were good at karate. Most of the Branch Chiefs had trained a long time or were uchi-deshi with Sosai, but not Shihan Tezuka. His sister was Sosai’s secretary for a long time, so that is how Shihan Tezuka got to know Sosai, not through training as his student. He was weak as a child and only really got into Kyokushin Karate after he was chosen to run his ken, Chiba Ken. Sosai said we needed educated people like Shihan Tezuka to help establish the organization, even if they are weak. Tezuka was not so smart after all.

The five Branch Chiefs went to the lawyer of Mrs Oyama with a plan to set up the organization with Mrs Oyama like an imperial leader, like an Empress that didn’t need to do any work but was always honoured as Sosai’s wife. And the way Matsui was acting was not right because he was becoming like a dictator and treating his sempai very poorly, so that helped the five Branch Chiefs to get some more support. But it became clear to us that the five Branch Chiefs were motivated by the wrong things too because they started to argue over who would be the one to represent Mrs Oyama most closely. It was all about power, just like with the leaders of the groups today.

Just a few weeks after Sosai died in April 1994, Matsui registered many of the trademarks that belonged to Mrs Oyama and her family in his own name. A few months or so after that Matsui and Mrs Oyama were in court over the will. About the same time, Matsui removed the five Branch Chiefs because they had challenged him. They challenged him for the wrong reasons. He was there kohai, he was young, their ego was too big and they couldn’t bear having him in charge. Many others (including me) also felt the way Matsui was acting and treating Sosai’s family was very wrong but we didn’t support the five Branch Chiefs because their motivation was also wrong, especially Takagi and Tezuka who both wanted power.

The five Branch Chiefs took Matsui to court over being removed unfairly. They thought they could do this because they were Matsui’s sempai as well as Branch Chiefs of Sosai. They leached onto Mrs Oyama even though they were just using her (the same way that Sanpei and Nishida Shihan did later). They used her and her lawyer but they still lost the case because the judge said that for there to be a decision of unfair dismissal, the organization from which they were dismissed has to be a legal corporation. But the judge said Kyokushin really only existed because it was an extension of Oyama Sosai so there was no legal ground on which the dismissal could be reversed. The judge said they should work it out themselves as students of Mas Oyama. But this was right before Mrs Oyama won her case concerning the will and the judge ruled that the will and therefore Matsui’s position were not legal. So there were many difficulties.

Then when Sanpei Shihan, Nishida Shihan and others decided to leave Matsui there was a lot of propaganda going around about working with Sosai’s family and Mrs Oyama. But no one was keeping Mrs Oyama informed or was asking her opinion even though they were all saying they would all work together with her. They were just using her to strengthen their argument. Even though I remain with the Shin-Kyokushin group it is very terrible what some have done to injure Mrs Oyama. But it is just a few that have done that, not everyone. They probably thought the less she knew the better so they could use her for their own ends. So Takagi, Tezuka and the others thought they would use Mrs Oyama as their own strongest argument but once they sat down to talk about things it was obvious that it was going nowhere because they would just argue over who was going to be in charge. From Matsui’s viewpoint it was a double punch because all the Branch Chiefs left him and then right after that he lost the court case against Mrs Oyama (why he would even think it was right to fight Sosai’s wife in court was very bad).

But Tezuka was using the claim that he was with Mrs Oyama NOT to try and bring everyone together, instead it was a selfish motivation. At a meeting around this time, Anzai asked Sanpei to leave and Tezuka asked Kojima Shihan to leave. Sanpei and Anzai were in the same Ken, as were Kojima and Tezuka. But Sanpei and Kojima were chosen as Branch Chiefs by Sosai so it was bit naïve to think they would have to go. Also, the family of Kojima Shihan was very close to Sosai for many years, from even before Kyokushin karate was made. Kojima Shihan’s father was even mentioned in the comic book series about Sosai that we all read when we were young, Karate Baka Ichidai. In that his father was Kojima the tailor who helped Sosai so much. So the connection was far deeper than Tezuka. But the point is none of this had to happen if they were not being selfish and were acting for the sake of Sosai and Kyokushin.

When the Branch Chiefs and the lawyer were working on plans to structure a fair organization to make it strong, with Mrs Oyama as a kind of Imperial head who didn’t have to really do anything, even Sanpei, Midori, Nishida Shihans wanted it to work like that. But as always Takagi and Tezuka were arguing over who would be in power so it didn’t work.

Before the big meeting where the Branch Chiefs were all going to come together with Mrs Oyama, Mrs Oyama had already said she wanted everyone to try and work together. But Tezuka and Takagi tried to take over the meeting. They found out though that Mrs Oyama’s love for her husband and his karate was deeper than they thought. That is what was driving her, not because she was so selfish and greedy. Her major desire was to do whatever worked best for Sosai and his students that he love so much, not for any Branch Chiefs who wanted to be in charge themselves. So she was very clear about wanting everyone to work together.

STILL after the meeting the five Branch Chiefs and the Branch Chief committee split up, as though they didn’t hear a word Sosai’s wife had said. This surprised many people, especially after the plans they had discussed with Mrs Oyama and everyone and that they were already talking to Mrs Oyama’s lawyer about the plans to make it all work. But their own greed for power took over their minds.

Mrs Oyama rarely spoke to Tezuka after that. There were many reasons. He bad mouthed her so much in front of others. Even Goda Shihan and others who don’t like Sosai’s daughters because they were smart and weren’t afraid of the sempai and would say their opinion NEVER said a bad word about Mrs Oyama because she was so important to Kyokushin and Sosai and so much a part of its start.

One reason she lost trust in Tezuka was Sosai’s car. He was meant to care for the car after Sosai died and drive it every month or so to keep it going well. But he took the car and would drive it around like he owned it big noting himself, visiting dojos where obviously people knew it was Sosai’s car, Takagi also in the back. So Mrs Oyama got the car back. These kinds of things were very stupid and irresponsible and just made Tezuka look worse. There were other more personal things we heard, but no one really knew what.

We Branch Chiefs all respected Matsui as a tournament fighter. He was very good. Fighters work to make themselves champions and usually the Shihan is lucky that these students came to their dojo. So we are humble about our champion students. Tezuka NEVER had any right to say he was Matsui’s teacher. In Japan we give respect to the Branch Chiefs whose branch has good strong fighters. But the budo way is to be humble. But Tezuka was just boasting about Matsui all the time and no one respected him for that. Even non-karate people, like my wife were annoyed and would comment about how bad manners it was and how not like Kyokushin budo it was. We disagreed with the way Matsui was doing his Kancho business but we respected his tournament history. We all knew Tezuka had SOMETHING to do with Matsui, but no one was really clear exactly what (maybe because he liked it like that). But we ALL knew he was never Matsui’s teacher. That was Kato Shihan. We knew that Branch Chiefs like Seto Shihan and Tezuka Shihan were chosen by Sosai to help build the Kyokushin organization, not for their karate.

Tezuka Shihan was always unpopular, even though we don’t say it. I am saying it now because I am embarrassed and disgusted by what he has been doing these last few years. He has no rights other than as a Branch Chief like anyone else. He always lied about his history. He also lied about Mrs Oyama, even to the point where the Japanese magazines didn’t want to talk to him. The things he said were even worse than what Matsui would say about Mrs Oyama. Tezuka even said at a Branch Chief meeting that Mrs Oyama was greedy and was mentally retarded. Other bad things too. That is why so many of us chose to go with Sanpei and Nishida Shihans and stay away from Tezuka. That is why he has no one with him in Japan. The same as Matsushima. He also has no one in Japan. So they went overseas to the gaijin. The gaijin don’t know what really happened in Japan, especially with Matsushima and Tezuka, so they are easily fooled into thinking they have something or have permission. But they have made things very bad for Sosai’s family.

Mrs Oyama never asked for money. She paid ¥9,000,000 for the court case against Matsui and then when the 5 Branch Chiefs used her lawyer and her court victory for themselves they never offered her anything. If they say they did, you must ask for proof because they didn’t. In fact anything Tezuka says it is best to ask for proof. Say you must have proof to make it legal. But you will never get it. You will never get him to face any member of Sosai’s family, even the youngest daughter Kikuko Chan. Because he could not lie in front of them and would be shamed very much. Mrs Oyama’s lawyer wanted her to sue him for slander but he went to hospital about that time so of course her gentle heart felt sorry for him.

So Takagi and Tezuka split too! Tezuka and Matsushima Shihan did an All Japan Weight Division tournament together but it was a failure, so maybe that is where they started to have disagreements. Tezuka worked with the Australia Branch Chief Taylor for a while and even that was no good so Taylor Shihan left him and went to work with Matsushima Shihan. Matsushima Shihan had more respect because he was a genuine student of Sosai and was respected as a referee even though what he has done is also bad.

So you see now that Tezuka has no right to be here. Tezuka has no authority from Mrs Oyama, no authority from anyone. Some even say even no authority as a karate-ka because he was not Branch Chief through karate, only through his sister and because Sosai needed someone there. Even Sanpei and Nishida and Midori Shihans had no real authority legally (this is why our group has to Matsui for the use of the name Shin-Kyokushin even though many Branch Chiefs think we should pay Sosai’s wife) but at least they had respect as real karate-ka tournament fighters and sempai.

No one ever wanted Tezuka as a leader. So that is why even the others of the 5 original Branch Chiefs who went against Matsui left him to do there own group, such as Takagi and Onodera. If Tezuka was really close to Sosai like he said, Matsui would have been closer to Sosai too. But it was really Takagi who was closer to Sosai. Takagi would even travel with Sosai overseas, so Tezuka got a lot of his information about Sosai from Takagi, even though he would make it like he got it from Sosai personally. Tezuka never even ran a Chiba Ken tournament, it was always Kojima, even though Kojima Shihan invited Tezuka to help. Kojima Shihan died a few years after Sosai died. He had many problems and his wife was very troublesome but she is one of the few who honours Mrs Oyama. Her son now runs the dojos and she is the one who told him of his obligations to Sosai so she still takes contributions to Mrs Oyama regularly. If Tezuka was really the teacher of Matsui for 5 or 10 or more years, it shows what kind of a person he was because Matsui fired him straight away when he got into Kancho position, because of Tezuka’s letter to the Branch Chiefs asking them to think about the will. Mrs Oyama also agreed with this decision to fire him. Of course it was just an excuse because Matsui wanted to get rid of him. The thing is no one believes Tezuka was close enough to Matsui to ever say he was his teacher.
If Tezuka really was as good a person as he tries to make people think, if he was not greedy like he says, he would never have spoken badly about Mrs Oyama. This shocked so many of us. Everyone, including the media, questioned his ethics and his attitude. He was not budo because he never really trained budo hard like the other sempai. He just talks about it and stays quiet so it gives the impression he knows budo.
So Mr Michel Begin, you are perhaps a good and honest man who is trying your best to support your leader and trying to do what you think is right for Sosai. But many things gaijin see are not accurate because the Japanese Branch Chiefs do not really talk too much about people, especially the ones we don’t like, to gaijin. Anything I have written can easily be checked with other Branch Chiefs if you can get one to trust you. The court cases are on record. Check with Mrs Oyama about Tezuka, or perhaps Sosai’s daughter, Kikuko Chan as Mrs Oyama is not well. Some of us Branch Chiefs visit Mrs Oyama and we are in tears because we remember how kindly she was to us when we were young Honbu uchi deshi. But Tezuka never visits her because he would have to do seppuku with shame. If you ask Tezuka about anything of course, expect lies, because he could not say one thing true about him and Sosai’s family them or he would be in shame. Ask for proof.
Branch Chief N
Translated by Steven Sensei, my dojo student and teacher of English.

#19 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 05 декабря 2005 - 10:44

это версия одного из анонимов, периода деления власти в Хонбу.
И не более, есть и совершенно противоположные версии, где-то в интернете есть.

#20 *_Guest_*

  • Гости

Отправлено 06 декабря 2005 - 11:34

Это письмо направлено шихану Мишелю Бегину ,Вице-Президенту ИКО-4 из Канады,где-то год назад.Поэтому упор сделан именно на канчо Тезуку.
Если перевести и отбросить лишнее. получается следующее:
1.Канчо Тезука был приглашен лично Оямой в ИКО, так как там не хватало образованных людей.
2.канчо Тезука начал заниматься каратэ поздно, естественно он не был спортсменом, т.е. не выступал на соревнованиях((этот пункт особенно ему ставится в вину).
3.канчо Тезука вошел в высшее руководство ИКО еще при Ояме,у него 5 дан от Оямы. Об этом там также упоминается.
4.После смерти Оямы канчо Тезука вместе с другими шиханами не признал
мацуи, и был одним из первых кто открыто объявил о подделке мацуи завещания Оямы.
5.канчо Тезука на самом деле был бранч-чифом префектуры Чиба.те кто знает историю киокушин каратэ понимают, что там начал заниматься Ояма. т.е. Ояма поставил его бранчем в родно префектуре.А это значит-что он к нему относился действительно как к образованному человеку и хорошему организатору.
6. из п.5 следует что мацуи действительно занимался у Тзуки, но из-за п.5
его отношение к канчо Тезука.
7.так же следует что канчо Тезука не изменил своего мнения по поводу подделкизавещания Оямы его учеником Мацуи и после того , как Мацуи и семья Оямы достигла соглашения. (кто отслеживал судебный процесс, помнит наверное, что Мацуи согласился выплачивать компенсация семье Оямы-но Тезука посчитал это предательством по отношению к Ояме,а многие решили что это дело семья Оямы. Тут у каждого свое, кто их осудит. Одним идеалы, другим надо жить, нужны деньги).
8. из п.8 следует что тезука плохой , что не признал соглашение семьи Ояма с мацуи и не стал молчать об этом.

В общем из раза в раз повторяется что Тезука плохой. потому что он плохой. Остальные шиханы тоже плохие, но он плохее всех плохих, и т.д. и т.п.
да , и еще одно ставится в вину Тезуке. То, что он пошел к мерзким гайджинам.
гайджины-это мы с вами (т.е. все не японцы).
В общем, в Японии его не признает Мацуи и у него нет там учеников.
Кстати в июле 2006 года состоится турнир ИКО-4 в Японии.
в общем , очередная грызня,и помойка направленная на очернение очередного конкурента, который посмел развивать свою организацию.